Sunday, November 23, 2008

Merambong Island

The Merambong Island is situate on the west coast of the southern tip of the Malaysian Peninsular. On one side is the Ramsar wetlands of Malaysia and on the other side is the Jurong Port of Singapore.
Just near the Merambong Island is the largest sea grass field of Malaysia. The sea grass filed is about the size of three football fields at low tide.
The sea grass field is only visible ( ie without having to go under water) on low tides. And it is not easy to get low tides on week ends. On Saturday,15th November, 2008, such an opportunity was available. So a few of us took the opportunity and make a trip there.
We were supposed to board our boats at the Pendas jetty. As I have not been to the 2nd link for several years, getting to the Pendas Jetty form Johor Bahru was a challenge. It is almost like driving in the Autralian Desert.......miles without sign boards, and if you take the wrong turn you are likely to be lost in a maze of narrow roads that leads to " don't know where". Drivig home after the trip was even more adventuous. It was like driving in the Night Safari of Singapore.
Anyway the trip was rewarding and enjoyable.
The boatman who took us there told us that there were originally three patches of sea grass feilds. Two has since disappeared.
The Merambong seagrass field was known to be the the home of the Malaysian Sea Horse Hippocampus Kuda. We did not see any this trip. Perhaps we were there too late and it was getting dark. Or the seas horses have moved into deeper water due to low tide.
Anyway we saw many other animals and you can see some of the pictures I took by clicking here:

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